Most men like to have big arms, but they wander "How to get big arms fast". A simple rule is to concentrate on basic movements with exercises like E-Z Curls, Preacher Curls, Incline Curls, Lying Cable Curl, Reverse E-Z Curls,
Hammer Curls or Biceps Chins. To work the triceps, concentrate on Parallel Bar Dips, Close Grip Bench Presses, Lying E-Z Triceps Extensions, Overhead Extensions and Triceps Pushdowns using a bar or a rope.
Try to change your training scheme often. One of the biggest mistakes many people do is to follow the same routine. If you want to challenge your body and muscles it is very important to have different exercise programs. The more you advance as a bodybuilder, the more important this rule will be.
Below is a sample program on "How to get big arms fast"
If by nature you are skinny, someone with abs regardless of diet, perform this routine once a week for about 5 weeks then only move to routine 2; or else you can switch to twice a week with 2-3 days rest in between continuously for 3 weeks before changing to routine 2.
Routine 1
Preacher Curls 10 sets of 10 reps (no rest in between)
Triceps Dips 10 sets of 10 reps (1 minute rest)
Hammer Curls 2 sets of 12-15 reps (no rest in between)
Triceps Pushdown 2 sets of 12-15 reps (1 minute rest)
Routine 2
Modified Compound Superset:
Biceps Chin-Ups – 8 sets of 6-8 reps (90sec. rest)
Close Grip Bench Press – 8 sets of 6-8 reps (90 sec. rest)
Modified Compound Superset:
Inclined Curls followed by Incline Hammers, use the same weight when you reach failure – 3 sets of 10-12 reps (90sec. rest)
Lying Triceps Extension – 3 sets of 10-12 reps (90 sec. rest)
How to get big arms fast, please note: when you are in Modified Compound Superset, you need to finish the first exercise, do the rests in between and then start the second exercise. Again rest for the required time and go back to the first one.
Superset of Incline Curls and Lying Triceps Extensions would be like that:
1.Incline Curls - 1 set of 10-12 reps;90 seconds rest;
2.Lying Triceps Extensions – 1 set of 10-12 reps;90 seconds rest;
3.Incline Curls - 1 set of 10-12 reps;90 seconds rest;
4.Lying Triceps Extensions – 1 set of 10-12 reps;90 seconds rest;
5.Incline Curls - 1 set of 10-12 reps;90 seconds rest;
6.Lying Triceps Extensions – 1 set of 10-12 reps;90 seconds rest;
If you want to calculate the rest time will be 3 minutes adding the time it takes to perform the exercises, which will allow you to rest each muscle between 3-4 minutes.
If you still wonder "How to get big arms fast", the above method combines exercises in a modified superset that will not just save you time and keep your body warm but will let your nervous system recover faster in between the sets. In that way you will be able to lift more weights rather than if you just stay calm for 3 minutes to recover.
Try the above program, and let you friends come over and ask you the question "How to get big arms fast"!