1.Work up to the maximum weight rather than the pyramid style
Always start with a warm-up set with fewer reps as to prepare your muscles for the heaviest last sets. Doing so your energy will be preserved for the last sets that are the most important to gain strength. For an example, if in your plan to squat with 300 pounds for 5 reps, start with 135 pounds – 6 reps, then 185 – 5 reps; 225 – 3 reps; 275 – 2 reps, and the last 300 pounds – explode with 5 reps. When you reach the 300 set your body will be warmed up all over, but not tired.
2.Between sets rest period to be 3-5 minutes
Your body needs to recover after each set to have enough fuel source for muscle contractions. Make sure you have fully recovered before you try to set a new personal lift attempt.
3.Work on your week points
When you do bench press, and you have difficulty to lock your elbows, then use the safety rails on the power rack at your sticking point on the lift. Add about 100 pounds extra than the one-rep max weight and press naturally. It might not be possible to move the bar, but give it a try as hard as possible for about 6-10 seconds. Make 4-6 reps, and rest few seconds in between, and then reduce to the load that you have difficulty locking out. At this time your central nervous system will be fired up and you will be able to lift it.
4.Leg days warm up with box jumps
You can make 3 sets with 3 reps, and recover for 60 seconds between sets.
5.Before deadlift make few glute bridges
Lie down on the floor on your back, bent your knees and keep your feet near your butt. Keep your heels on the floor and lift your hips up as a bridge, concentrating on the contraction in your glutes. Make 3 sets of 8-10 reps. warming up your glutes before deadlift allows them to work at their maximum.
6.Warm up with heavier weight than your work set
If you want to have some additional muscle mass for the work set, we recommend doing your last warm up set with more weight than the one you plan to use in your first set; on your work out set try to do fewer reps.
7.Weight belt is recommended
To protect your back, it is recommended to wear a weight belt during barbell deadlift,barbell squat and barbell bench press. Even you can lift more weight if you wrap your back with a weight belt.
8.Try a hook grip
Hold the bar overhand but try to wrap your thumbs around it first, and then wrap your fingers over your thumbs. In this way you can have a better grip, and it allows you to lift more weight without straps.
9.Go heavy
Add 20% more weight on the bar before you curl. Try to curl the bar to the highest position and keep it there for few seconds to tense each muscle, and then lower down for few seconds. Recover for a minute, and then do the normal set of curls. The load you plan to lift will definitely feel lighter.
10.Make a “dynamic” warm-up rather than jogging on a treadmill or pedaling the bike.
Any exercise that makes all your joints move at full range of motion are better for warm up, like lunges, throwing exercises or jumps. It will surely prepare you more for the lift than the boring light cardio. This way you prepare your muscles and joints together with the central nervous system for the heavy lift ahead!