Triceps are the muscles which make arm extension or pushing possible. They constitute the largest muscle group in the upper arm and are placed opposite the biceps. Guys are sometimes mistaken into thinking that biceps contribute to one’s big arms, while it is actually triceps. If you wish to develop your triceps, you need to settle on a workout routine that will target both the functionality and the appearance of these muscles.
Bench Dips
To work out your triceps, you can either do basic dips or bodyweight ones. In the first case, you have to lean back on a chair or bench, whereas for the second you’ll need to use a dip station (several high stools or chairs can work, too). Note that basic dips train your triceps but do not make them more enduring. Bodyweight dips, on the other hand, do not develop these muscles so much but do ensure resistance. To achieve both effects, perform one set of bodyweight dips followed by a set of triceps dips or the other way round.
Jm Press
You have probably heard that bench press trains particularly the pecs. However, if you put your hands at the center of the bar, you will put greater pressure on the triceps. You may need to alter the exercise a little as the focus is not your chest but your arms. Close-grip bench press for triceps should be performed with your elbows really tight to your body. Another thing to change here is the weight involved. Keep in mind that your triceps are not as strong as your pecs, so you should reduce the weight.
Lying Triceps Press
Truly a great exercise for the triceps which will inflate your muscles completely.Lie on a flat bench with either an e-z bar. Grab the bar behind you and raise the bar in front of you at arms length. The arms should be perpendicular to the torso and the floor. Slowly lower the weight until the bar lightly touches your forehead while keeping the upper arms and elbows stationary and breathe in that time .Then weight back up to the starting position as you breathe out.
Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension
This is an activity that is done exclusively for triceps. It works quite like the bicep curls. You can be either standing or sitting. The only thing you will need to get going is dumbbells. Grab one dumbbell with both hands and lift it right over your head. Then bend your elbows and lower the dumbbell to your shoulder blades. Don’t forget to inhale all along. Repeat the same after extending your arms back up to the starting position. Exhaling comes with extending.
Push-Ups-Close Triceps Position
These resemble the regular pushups but are much more effective as they work primarily on the triceps. If your triceps are not that strong, you may find this exercise quite tough. To do Push-Ups-Close Triceps Position, you should assume the regular pushup position and draw your hands together under the center of your chest to make your fingers and thumbs form something like a diamond. The more you can go for, the better. Three to five sets can be perfectly enough.