Weight Gain Workouts


5 Ways How Workout Can Give You Fast Results If you want your body to have new results then you need to have new varieties in your workouts. Changing your daily routine will definitely waken your muscles and challenge them in different ways.

If you create a new muscle mass workout , then you put your body to stress differently. Your body’s muscles will start grow, their strength will increase, and your aerobic capacity will be better.

If you are a beginner within 8-12 weeks you can easily see good results and transform to fit enthusiast, but then you will definitely need some more boost if you want to tone up more and have more definition.

That is why it is highly recommended to challenge your body with different workout regimes. Below you can find the 5 Ways How Workout Can Give You Fast Results:

1.Max Out Bodyweight Interval Training – For muscle endurance and to upgrade your aerobic fitness we recommend the 20sec on/10sec off program. Give your all in the 20 seconds, and then have your breath recover in the 10 seconds off. You can repeat the above routine for about 8-10 times. If you want to explode further you can include your bodyweight with exercises like burpees, jumping jacks, some squats or kettle bell swings.

2.Increase Weight But Lower Reps – To have better strength it is recommended to increase your weight with 5% but reduce the repetitions per set by 2. For example if you do bench press with 200 pound for 8 reps per set, you can simply add the weight to 210 pounds and reduce the reps to 6. In that way you stimulate the strength and the growth of your muscles.

3.Cross train With the Kettle bell Swing – Kettle Bell is a great tool to improve the athletic execution. This great tool trains your cardiovascular system and the body’s posterior chain. It helps you have the turbo explosion as well as increases endurance and stamina. As a start you can make 3 sets of 20 swings. You can make up to 200 swings. For example you can make 20 sets with 30 sec rest in between.

4.Drop Sets – when you decrease weight it is proved to add volume for muscle growth. Any exercise can be performed with drop sets. To finish you exercise program with descending ladder of weight will definitely make your muscles fatigue. For example start your program with your regular weight, and then decrease it with 20% and repeat with one rep less, at the end decrease the weight with another 20%. The rest times to be at least a minute, and then repeat two more times.

5.Superset Your Workouts – Supersets can definitely reduce your workout time but at the same time increase the calories burned. You can combine exercises for different muscle groups, like barbell squats and pullups or dumbbell bench press with a dumbbell lunge. Repeat the first exercise 8 times, and then with no rest repeat the same with the second one.
