Stress in Men


Types of stress Types of stress should be aware of each male but before that must know what is stress?

The Oxford Dictionary defines stress as a state of affairs involving demand on physical or mental energy.

Here's another good way to describe what stress is:

A condition or a circumstance, not necessarily troublesome, which is likely to disrupt an individual's normal physiological and psychological functioning.

Stress is medically specified as a perturbation of the homeostasis of the body. While the body is trying to cope with the ever-present changes in life, a special demand is placed on the mind-body relation. Stress is said to be relative in nature.

Psychologists confirm that extreme stress conditions have utterly harmful effects on human health; on the other hand, they assert that when within moderate levels, stress is not only normal, but may also prove useful.

Generally, however, stress is associated with negative consequences. As the fields mastered by people are becoming more and more variegated these days, we face stress and the symptoms of anxiety and depression ever more frequently.

Before you meet with the types of stress have to know that any kind of change that leads to pressure on a physical, emotional or psychological level is a source of stress. Stress, however, exists in various forms and not all of them are harmful or negative.

Here's how we can categorize stress:

Eustress, which causes excitement and euphoria and charges us with energy (the one we get, for instance, from skiing down a slope or hurrying to meet a deadline);

Acute Stress, which is short-term and can be either positive (Eustress) or negative (the type we experience most often as, for instance, when we're having problems on the road).

Episodic Acute Stress, in cases when it totally slips out of one's control and takes hold of one's life, turning it into a chaos (this is the stress category for which the terms drama queen and absent-minded professor were coined).

Chronic Stress is from types of stress,that seems to be everlasting and inescapable, such as that resulting from a spoiled marriage or an exhausting profession (chronic stress is said to cause the so-called burnout).

