Workouts for Women


Leg exercises for women Leg exercises for women are simple and will take few minutes. Not need to be in the gym to make them, you can easily make them at home.

These exercises will not only firm your legs but will protect you from cellulite. If you want to lose weight, these exercises will not help you as their target is to firm only.

The best time to do them is in the morning after waking up. Though they are easy and pleasant to make before you start make sure to warm up your joints and muscles to avoid any injuries.

Legs exercises for women for calf muscle,thigh and glutes:

The first exercise is for the calf muscle. Starting position is standing; just lift your body on your toes, breath actively while exercising. Make 50 lifts, rest for a minute and make another 50 repetitions. The trick in the exercises is to drop down slowly and smooth.

The second exercise is also very easy. Before you start, make sure you warm up the joints especially knees, or else you will have knee problems at old age. This exercise is squat for the muscles of the thigh and and muscles of the glutes.Very often this exercise is underestimated but it is very effective. Make at least 20 squats in a series, and the series to be at least 4. When you squat lift your arms to the front and breath deep.

Legs exercises for women for firm the upper part of the legs:

This exercise is very good to firm the upper part of the legs. Get on a dog position (on four legs) and start to lift your legs to the side as the target is the movement from the hip.This exercise is for the thighs and it loads the hip. We will remind you again that you will not have any injuries if you warm up at the beginning. Make 10 reps - 4 series for each leg.

The next exercise is slightly more difficult. It is the combination of two exercises and it requires a good balance. Start with standing position, lift one of the legs towards the belly, and hold it with both hands; lift the leg that is on the floor on your toes. Then drop down, drop the leg, and repeat with the other leg. Make 10 reps with each leg - 3 series.

Legs exercises for women for all parts :

The last exercise from this works out very well. It is the only one that you require a tool. At the end of the work out, take a rope and jump for about 10 minutes.
