Homemade facial mask be prepared quickly and easily. It nourishes the skin and and protects the face from wrinkles .
Everyone can make Homemade facial mask just have to have some time and wishes to do it.
In the cold days, the skin needs extra protection and you should take care of your face if you want your skin to be beautiful and soft, yet tight without wrinkles.
This time, rather than hurry to the nearby cosmetic store, we recommend an alternative to the good but expensive face mask, alternative that will come much cheaper.
Dear ladies, I talk about Homemade facial mask that you can make at home with the help of various fruits and vegetables and other products.
Homemade facial mask with oatmeal
To prepare this mask you will need about 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, fresh milk (use only the full fat) and water. The milk and hot water pour over the oatmeal, and wait for some time to form a mash. Apply it over face. The mask should stay for about 15 minutes then wash it alternating hot and cold water.
Homemade facial mask with olive oil
This is incredible easy mask, and at the same time very useful for the skin. The necessary ingredients are only olive oil and lemon. Cut the lemon in slices, and then apply olive oil on the face. The lemon circles are placed onto a greased with olive oil skin. Stay for about 15 minutes, then rinse face and apply moisturizing cream.
Homemade facial mask for Whitening
If you want your skin to be lighter, then you can use the following whitening mask, which is made of 35gr yeast, 1 tablespoon milk (fresh) and the juice of one lemon. Mixed the ingredients and apply the mask on the skin using a swab. To have more effect keep the mask for about 20 minutes, then rinse it well.