Workouts for Women


Ideal Figure for women Ideal Figure for women can achieve with specific exercises, which with ease and persistence will make your body what you want.It is not difficult; you just need to follow our instructions. Here are some exercises that make this possible:

Ideal Figure for women with the exercise Imaginary pedals:

Lay on your back and make movements with your legs like you are riding a bicycle. The main load in this exercise should be on the hips. Hip muscles should be totally relaxed, the exercise is performed fast. Start with 40 repetitions, and gradually increase the speed. The goal is to reach fast temp, and each round to consist of 150 rotations of the imaginary pedals. At every round have a rest.

Ideal Figure for women with the exercise Crossing legs:

Lay on your back and extend your legs up under straight angle. Bend them slightly in the knees and relax the muscles. In this position start to cross your legs – once left under the right and on the other side. The exercise is performed 150 times.
Important: if you would like to reduce the size of your hips you need to avoid exercises on your toes, sit ups and exertion in that part.

Ideal Figure for women with the exercise Strokes with legs:

Stand tall next to a chair so that your left side is on the back of the chair. Hold yourself with your left hand to the back of the chair.
Then start to make strong strokes with your right leg straight, up and left. Put the toes of the right leg on to the chair seat. This exercise is performed 10 times, and then repeated with the left leg. Breathe evenly during the exercise.

Ideal Figure for women with the exercise Play with the knees:

Sit on the floor and bent your legs in the knees while you pull the feet closer to the hips. Then lower your elbows to the floor and lean back. In this position start to move your knees left and right as you try to reach the floor. Repeat 20 times.

Ideal Figure for women with the exercise Walking on your butt:

Sit on the floor, extend the legs in the knees, extend the arms and your head. From this position start to move forward as you try to reach about 2-3 meters. While doing that, move the right arm parallel with the right leg and the left arm with the left leg. This exercise helps lose weight in the belly and hips area.

Ideal Figure for women with the exercise Swing:

Sit on the floor and put your elbows on your knees. Tense the belly muscles. Then relax on your back but do not change the position of your legs which at this time are bent on a straight angle towards your body. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times. This exercise strengthens the belly muscles.
