Healthy tips


Do Not Skip Breakfast! Do not skip breakfast: this is a phrase that evokes totally opposing responses. There is the one group of people who utterly reject the idea of eating something in the morning and there is this other group for whom breakfast is among the most essential principles in life. This article aims at presenting some facts to representatives of the former group. Research data point out that there is a marked tendency for a higher risk of heart disease among people generally tending to skip breakfast. Although the relation between the two is not that tight, heart disease is too serious to be neglected. Since heart disease is a number one cause of death worldwide, eating breakfast is at least worth considering.

Specialists have confirmed that not eating breakfast has negative implications on blood pressure, blood cholesterol and insulin (more precisely, what is called insulin resistance). While these may be partly understandable in a consistent lack of breakfast, you’ll be startled to learn that skipping breakfast a few times only can bring about the same effect. Our bodies need more insulin to restore the adequate levels of blood sugar after we cut down on this meal. Do not skip breakfast if you want to protect yourself from prolonged insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Dietitians claim that our bodies are insulin resistant in the morning. This is due to the fact that we have taken in no food during the night and as we lack carbohydrates to burn, our bodies turn to fat to get the energy they need for the night. Being the first meal for the day, breakfast tunes in our bodies for what is to follow. This is referred to as the second meal effect.
If you’re not really into breakfast but wish to alter routine, start with nuts. Peanuts, almonds and peanut butter are known for their efficiency on stabilizing blood sugar. This way, you do not skip breakfast, even if you aren’t its greatest fan, and guarantee the second meal effect.

Nuts have a high fat content and are kept in the stomach for longer. This prevents the carbohydrate processing and their absorption in turn. Consequently, there are no such marked fluctuations in blood sugar. Experts in the field are interested in the second meal effect as it induces mild levels of blood sugar over extended periods of time. Do not skip breakfast if you want to maintain reasonable blood sugar levels well until lunch.

If all the facts you read about nuts have so far failed to convince you of their merits, we hope the present article finally will. Nuts, irrespective of their type, abound in nutritional substances highly recommended for our health: heart-friendly fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Nutritionists and food experts seem to praise peanuts and almonds but whichever type of nuts you choose, you are sure to take proper care of your health. As raising awareness and promoting wellbeing is our primary goal, we will be happy if this article has drawn your attention and if you do not skip breakfast next time.
