Baby tips | Baby advice


juice for babies Juice for babies is rich in Vitamin C and other nutrients, nonetheless shouldn’t be given too much of it of. It ought not to be used as a supplement.

If you are to give juice to your baby, have the following guidelines in mind:

– Juice is not recommended for babies who aren’t 6 months old. Babies of such an age don’t need juice, though.

- Choose juice for babies which is 100% juice over fruit medleys or cocktails. Always check the nutritional labels first.

– Add the same amount of water to the juice. Most grocery stores have a section which offers baby juice diluted with water. It is also richer in Vitamin C than regular juices but more expensive, too.

– Never use a bottle or a cup to give juice to your baby or to let them suck on all day. It increases the risk of tooth decay.

- For children under 1 year is appropriate to buy juice for babies in a glass bottle. One that is ecologically and second - you see what you are buying.

– The total daily amount of juice a day should not exceed 150ml (half a cup).

Juice for babies can be ideally substituted by fresh fruit!

- If your baby is thirsty, give them water instead. If your baby doesn’t feel like drinking water, flavour it with a little bit of juice then.

-If you start giving water to your baby from the very beginning, they would quite naturally prefer it over juice.

- You can also make homemade juice.Peel an apple,and then grate on a grater. Strain through a clean gauze mixtures. One apple will not squeeze out much juice, but for a child under 1 year is no need for a large amount. Moreover, the juice will be fresh.

– Bedtime is not the right time for giving juice for babies.

