Tips for women


How to Check for Breast Cancer How to check for breast cancer is a question that interests women all over the world. Statistics is startling: over 44,600 new cases of breast cancer are registered annually only in the UK. Every one out of three instances of cancer in women belongs to breast cancer. Moreover, figures show that the chances for women to ever fall victim to this awful condition are one in nine.

Cancerous cells can appear either in the milk-producing glands in the breasts, or in the ducts that transport the milk to the nipples. Breast cancer is not entirely limited to the breasts alone; sometimes it affects the adjacent tissue as well or other parts of the body. While it is among the most serious medical conditions, breast cancer can be effectively fought through an early detection and modern treatments. Recent decades have witnessed a considerable decrease in its death rates.

How to protect yourself

Below are offered useful tips on how to check for breast cancer. One of the very best things we can do for our own health is getting examined regularly: we often visit our GP or dentist for habitual check-ups and consult specialists to be sure everything is all right. We even have regular smear tests for cervical cancer although seeing the gynecologist might not be the most desirable thing. So, why not do the same for our breasts, too?

Self-examination takes no more than 10 to 15 minutes. Getting examined by a specialist, on the other hand, should become a habit. Ideally, you should go once a month trying to make appointments at the same phase of your cycle to detect possible hormonal changes.
When you learn how to check for breast cancer, things won’t seem like such a big fuss to you. Next time you don’t really feel like being examined, think that these check-ups can actually save your life.

What features in the examination

Breast examination is a two-fold process: it involves a visual as well as a manual check. You know that monthly phases and age make our breasts feel different. For example, we have different sensations during our period, pregnancy, menopause, etc. If you wish to learn how to check for breast cancer, you first need to know how your own breasts look and feel at different times. This will enable you to spot potential changes.

What to be alert for

• Unfamiliar sensations in your breasts as well as changes in their size and shape;
•Lower positioning of one of your breasts (this can be generally normal for you);
•Increase in size of one of your breasts (this can again be typical of you);
• Altered skin anywhere on the breast;
•Puckering or pulling in the skin on the breast;
•Thickening or unusual lumps anywhere on the breast.

Nipple changes to spot

• Altered shape of the nipples;
•A rash around the nipples;
• Discharge from the nipples.

The visual check

Here is a simple way of how to check for breast cancer yourself. Stand in front of the mirror and clasp your hands behind your head. By straightening and lowering your arms several times, you will be able to see whether your nipples move in the same way. The most essential step here is to examine your breasts in profile. Look carefully for anything that may seem unordinary. See if there are any rashes, puckering or other of the signs listed above. Perform the same routine while straightening on and bending forward.

The manual check

To learn how to check for breast cancer on your own, follow these steps:

•Slide the flat of your hand and your fingers on the tissue in and around your breasts making circular movements. This way you will feel possible changes, bumps or abnormalities.

• To examine the right breast, lift your right arm above your head and feel the top, the outer part of your breast and your underarm using your left hand.

•Make full circles with your left hand around the outside of your breast, drawing closer to the nipples each time. Repeat the procedure.

•Next, you need to check for discharge from the nipple. Squeeze it gently. When you’re done with the right breast, move on to the left, this time using your right hand. If you come across something bothering during these self-checks, don’t waste time and see a doctor. Don’t get nervous as most complaints at this stage are nothing to worry about.

Although a type of cancer, breast cancer gives in to treatment, especially in early detection. However, to better protect yourself, you have to be aware of how to check for breast cancer.
